I love this Andy. I guess becuase I left the UK five years ago, at least in part, precisely for the reasons you explore. And of course I knew (but not to the same level of trauma) that there would be similar profiles of politician here - with an almost perfect blend of profound arrogance and breath-taking stupidity.

But as well as the fabulous honesty and acuity of your general analysis, I think you hit the nail on the head with the cynicism point. They know. And they are choosing a dog-eat-dog strategy to try and save themselves.

It won't work of course. They - and their children - will die too as a result of the world they are making. And perhaps horribly so but no doubt in more luxuriously furnished surroundings.

Human beings have only been succesful (in populaitons terms) due to our ability to cooperate. Any politic not based on cooperation will fail. That's not even a political point - it's an ecological one.

Thank you. Looking forward to the following parts.

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Thanks David and absolutely correct. I'm reminded of the collapse specialist who found himself invited to speak to a select group of billionaires, who only wanted to ask him how they might stop their own security teams from killing them in the event of breakdown. Or Sam Bankman-Fried (which is surely a name as one of those signals from the universe) apparently considering buying an island nation as a bunker. Or Musk on his way to Mars. When are they going to realise - there is nowhere to go, for any of us. We have to work our way through this shit together.

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